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From a Prior Special Operations Forces Non Commissioned Operator

What I Re-Discovered,

Living the “Team-Life” as a SOF guy during the adventurous years of the Global War on Terrorism was and is a highlight of my life. I would never trade that experience for anything and it still fills me with immense pride and satisfaction. Unfortunately, nobody comes out of special operations the way they went in, and my post “action” life has been a struggle against the negative side effects of that change. Similar to most of my brethren, I’ve battled PTSD, sleep problems, hyper vigilance, brain fog, and the very real and lasting physical/mental trauma of combat and IED’s. I tried everything the VA had to offer, and after years of unsuccessfully trying to correct (fix? heal?) those wounds, I found myself diminished. I had lost something along the way. Something I still can’t fully define.

Even though I had re-dedicated myself as a family man in earnest, I couldn’t shake a growing gloom. My perceptions became more negative. I had less enjoyment in daily life and in social interaction. I felt uninspired to start each day, easily irritated by trivial things, and the weight of finding little satisfaction in accomplishing life’s challenges. I was unhappy and, unable to define why, I began to cut myself off from those closest to me. I was either faking “it” for those I loved or, when I couldn’t, avoiding those interactions. Naturally, my marriage suffered. Luckily, however, my Wife is stubborn. Thanks to her love and determination, we reconnected with our SOF family and were introduced to alternate forms of support and therapy, specifically prescribed to address these combat related issues. With guidance and support from Task Force Dagger, I was introduced to Dr. Joshi and Ketamine-Infused Therapy.

While there’s no silver bullet, or cure-all, for what’s commonly referred to as PTSD, K-Therapy had a profound impact on me and my overall outlook on life. A veil had been lifted from my eyes, and I was able to see my path forward and appreciate the goodness all around me. A weight had been lifted off my heart and helped me reconnect with my purpose. Although I still can’t define what exactly I lost along the way, what I re-discovered during Ketamine Therapy was, my happiness.

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Task Force Dagger Special Operations Foundation provides assistance to more than 1,000 Special Operations Forces members and their families through year-round programs that are crafted to heal, rebuild, and empower, providing them with mission, purpose, and focus.
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